Discover & Synthesis
Scan Phase
Discover & Synthesis

In this phase we will better understand the users' needs & challenges, and we will learn about their environment and the systems that affect them, allowing us to identify new gaps and opportunities, and reframe the design challenge.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Understanding the user needs.
  2. Understanding the current situation.
  3. Identifying current challenges and pain points.
  4. Reframing the design challenge based on research and analysis.

The following tools can be used during this step:

  • Research Plan
  • Canvas Research
  • Cards Findings
  • Bank Sheet Stakeholder
  • Map Canvas
  • Ecosystem Map Canvas
  • Context Map Canvas
  • Empathy Map Canvas
  • As Is Journey Canvas
Scan Phase
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Scan Phase

In this phase we will better understand the users' needs & challenges, and we will learn about their environment and the systems that affect them, allowing us to identify new gaps and opportunities, and reframe the design challenge.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Understanding the user needs.
  2. Understanding the current situation.
  3. Identifying current challenges and pain points.
  4. Reframing the design challenge based on research and analysis.

The following tools can be used during this step:

  • Research Plan
  • Canvas Research
  • Cards Findings
  • Bank Sheet Stakeholder
  • Map Canvas
  • Ecosystem Map Canvas
  • Context Map Canvas
  • Empathy Map Canvas
  • As Is Journey Canvas
Ideate & Envision
Spark Phase
Ideate & Envision

We will use the findings of the first phase to generate ideasand opportunities for the reframed design challenge. Wewill also have the ability to develop and plan long-termsolutions by envisioning the future and planning for it.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Identifying opportunities and generating ideasfor solutions.
  2. Evaluating the ideas and selecting and framingthe most viable idea.
  3. Designing the solution vision.
  4. Ensuring the solution sustainability.

The following tools can be used during this step:

  • Brain Writing Canvas
  • Brainstorm Canvas
  • Affinity Diagram Canvas- Fast Ideas Generation
  • Creative Sparks Cards
  • 2*2 Matrix Canvas
  • SWOT Analysis Canvas
  • Solution Canvas
  • Future Trends Cards
  • PEST Analysis Canvas
  • Planning Canvas -5 Bold Steps Canvas
  • Cover Page
  • Impact Canvas
  • Visioning Canvas
  • Future Modeling Canvas

Spark Phase
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Spark Phase

We will use the findings of the first phase to generate ideasand opportunities for the reframed design challenge. Wewill also have the ability to develop and plan long-termsolutions by envisioning the future and planning for it.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Identifying opportunities and generating ideasfor solutions.
  2. Evaluating the ideas and selecting and framingthe most viable idea.
  3. Designing the solution vision.
  4. Ensuring the solution sustainability.

The following tools can be used during this step:

  • Brain Writing Canvas
  • Brainstorm Canvas
  • Affinity Diagram Canvas- Fast Ideas Generation
  • Creative Sparks Cards
  • 2*2 Matrix Canvas
  • SWOT Analysis Canvas
  • Solution Canvas
  • Future Trends Cards
  • PEST Analysis Canvas
  • Planning Canvas -5 Bold Steps Canvas
  • Cover Page
  • Impact Canvas
  • Visioning Canvas
  • Future Modeling Canvas

Build & Scale
Solve Phase
Build & Scale

We will bring the solution to life by building aprototype, testing it with users, gatheringfeedback, and iterating the design to fulfill theusers' needs. At the end of this phase, the solutionis finalized and prepared to be launched.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Designing the user journey.
  2. Designing a prototype of the solution and testing it with the users.
  3. Framing the solution.
  4. Building the business case of the solution to beready for launch.

The following tools can be used during this step:

  • Scop Canvas
  • Team canvas
  • Research plan
  • Research cards
  • Finding map
  • Stockholders map
  • Stakeholder Aspirations
  • Context map
  • Empathy map
  • Customer Journey
  • Affinity diagram
  • Cognitive bias cards
  • 2*2 matrix
Solve Phase
Public  ·  

Solve Phase

We will bring the solution to life by building aprototype, testing it with users, gatheringfeedback, and iterating the design to fulfill theusers' needs. At the end of this phase, the solutionis finalized and prepared to be launched.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Designing the user journey.
  2. Designing a prototype of the solution and testing it with the users.
  3. Framing the solution.
  4. Building the business case of the solution to beready for launch.

The following tools can be used during this step:

  • Scop Canvas
  • Team canvas
  • Research plan
  • Research cards
  • Finding map
  • Stockholders map
  • Stakeholder Aspirations
  • Context map
  • Empathy map
  • Customer Journey
  • Affinity diagram
  • Cognitive bias cards
  • 2*2 matrix
Innovating Tomorrow
at Station25
Join the journey of accelerating innovation, where every puzzle piece shapes the path to a brighter future.